Debra Leeann Wilson

A Tree Alone In The Forest oil on canvas 20in. x 24in.

Artists Statement


Nature is my connection to place, to my self and to the universe. Pushing reality to the edge of imagination and meaning, I use nature as a portal to explore the magical realm of the unknown. The intense visual stimulation I experience from nature is directly related to my heightened sense of being alive and ever-changing understanding of reality. I attempt to express my inner sensory and emotional reaction to nature by transporting one beyond what is seen to what is felt.

Sublime moments of connection, contemplation and awe with nature are visualized through a variety of painting and drawing medium and format. I invent dramatic, imaginary yet familiar inner and outer landscapes of pure, vivid color. The sound and kinetic energy of the universe and the life force resonate with expressive color combinations and high contrast. Meditative, repetitive lines vibrate within abstract shapes and dramatic compositions. I simplify and reduce the visual experience of nature by compacting space, line, shape and form in order to transcend the extrinsic and create a context to explore and expand our perceptions of reality. The monumental scale transforms the intimacy of the small works, to a more physical and theatrical experience.

The perceptual and conceptual, figurative and abstract, actual and imagined, and subjects such as opposing forces, duality and change reoccur in my work. The content of my work deals with the essence of life and existence, seeking a greater, more personal, yet universal reality through nature. I search for balance and center, constantly challenged by my fascination with the ultimate causes and underlying nature of things.

My relationship to the seclusion of the vast Canadian wilderness and curiosity for global travel enable me to satisfy a need for both anonymity and connection to the public. My outward, physical journeys of discovery enable me to access my inner world and spiritual self. I continually attempt to simplify and focus my intense physical, mental and emotional experience of life to a point where I can exist comfortably, while knowing the limitations of the infinite.

Selected Works
Recent Work
Oil Paintings
Acrylic Paintings
Water Colors
Works on Paper
Debra Leeann Wilson
Contact Information
Artists Statement
Curriculum Vitae
Private Lessons